Hosting the Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce Mayor’s Luncheon.

Discussing economic opportunities with sister chamber members from Japan.

Highlighting the importance of a strong economy in local media.

Rep. Kirstin Kahaloa has experience where it counts: in our community, and in the State House.

Kirstin’s work and passion has always centered around education and advocacy for community well-being. The combination of her experience and her commitment prepared her to represent West Hawaiʻi’s District 6, from Kailua to Hōnaunau, in the Hawaiʻi State House of Representatives. Since being elected in 2022, she has been working tirelessly for the people of Kona and all of Hawaiʻi.

Professional Experience

  • District 6 Representative, Hawaiʻi State House (2022-Present)

    • Vice Chair, Committee on Agriculture & Food Systems

    • Member, Committee on Finance

    • Member, Committee on Energy & Environmental Protection

    • Caucus Memberships

      • Aviation & Space Caucus

      • Equality Caucus

      • Filipino Caucus

      • Keiki Caucus

      • Kūpuna Caucus

      • Majority Policy Caucus

      • Native Hawaiian Caucus

      • Small Business Caucus

      • Women’s Legislative Caucus

  • Director of Programs & Partnerships, ʻIole Global Resiliency Hub (2022)

  • Portfolio Manager - Sustainable Industry Development, Kamehameha Schools (2020-2022)

  • Community Engagement Lead, Blue Zones Project (2017-2020)

  • Legislative Aide, Office of Senator Dru Mamo Kanuha (2020)

  • Executive Director, Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce (2015-2017)

  • Director of International Admissions, Maryville University (2012-2015)

  • Associate Director of International Recruitment & Multicultural Student Affairs, Webster University (2009-2012)