In her first term in the State House, Rep. Kirstin Kahaloa proved herself effective.

Protected Hawai‘i Island Agriculture

Passed landmark labeling laws for Kona Coffee and Hawaiʻi-grown macadamia nuts, and major investments in biosecurity to fight invasive species that threaten our environment.

Expanded Access To Healthy Food

Funded a program to help low-income families double their purchasing power for fresh produce, and supported local efforts to provide more healthy breadfruit for the market.

Improved Kona’s Health Care System

Secured funding to keep Kona Community Hospital operating safely and efficiently while advancing planning efforts for a new hospital in North Kona.

Supported Small Local Businesses

Funded food safety certification programs and expanded allowable products that can be made in home kitchens to support our small farmers and food producers.

Secured Resources For Our Schools

Expedited emergency repairs to Hōlualoa School, expanded our West Hawai‘i school maintenance capacity, and secured funds for needed repairs and improvements throughout Kona.

Cut Taxes For Working Families

Voted to pass tax reform that will phase in lower taxes for all Hawai‘i taxpayers, keeping more hard-earned money in the pockets of our working families making ends meet.